Tuesday, April 1, 2014


I could feel it behind me. The closer it got the hotter my back felt. I don't know what it is. But I never do. I'm a feeler not a see-er. See-ers are unstoppable they know what's coming long before it arrives and can prepare in advance.

The advancing object wanted something. The intense pressure radiating off of it was pressing my soul. I couldn't escape it. I was running out of time.

I tried to envision me safely tucked away in my pod. Didn't work. Sometimes it will, but my vision skills are just not as strong as my feelers. I tried to use my nose. Sometimes I can smell the danger and can sense what I need to protect myself. Not this time.

I froze, like a deer in headlights, I could see my ending. Upon impact, I felt nothing. I knew nothing. I could see me standing there from somewhere up above. I was screaming at my body to move.

Then nothing.

When I started to stir I could sense the presence of my Gram. This didn't make sense to me. I hadn't seen or spoken to Gram in many moons. Her soul spread around me like a familiar blanket. The kind with the worn spot that you tuck you feet in and the tattered edge that rests under your nose reminding you of a safe place that is untouchable.

As my eyes fluttered, the bright light nearly blinded me.  There was a flutter of commotion that wreaked havoc on my busted up body. People were coming and going and their energy was piercing my wide open  spirit.

I screamed out as only new born infants do to this harsh world of blinding lights and constant movement. This. World. Hurts.

I wanted to go back. The constant flow of baby blue energy was a reprieve of calm nothingness. There was no negative. No hurt. No pain. No judgement.

Instead my broken body lay in a bed with very little protection. Only that of Gram, who was doing the best she could to protect both my soul and hers.